Sunday, November 25, 2007

Parting is not goodbye...

So, regular readers of Choralation (all three of you) have probably noticed a marked slowdown in posting activity. I don't have a good explanation for this except that it takes time to write vibrant, relevant posts. Unfortunately, I have not really been dedicating any time to Choralation lately and have finally decided to go on extended hiatus. I may post occasionally, but I will not be able to keep up with any frequency. I am not shutting down the site, however, and archived posts will still be available.
I have enjoyed this experiment and am pleased that it managed to last for almost 2 1/2 years (far longer than I thought it actually would).
Thanks to readers, fellow musicians, and other writers and bloggers for inspiration. And, in a nod to the title of this post, we'll be together again.